Le 13/04/2012 19:58, Ilya Basin a écrit :
Hi developers. There's a manual on this page: http://www.winehq.org/docs/winedev-guide/dbg-others
Start the Wine debugger with a command line like: winedbg --gdb --no-start<name_of_exe_to_debug.exe> Start ddd In ddd, use the 'Open File' or 'Open Program' to point to the Wine executable (which is either wine-pthread or wine-kthread depending on your settings). In the output of 1/, there's a line like target remote localhost:32878 copy that line and paste into ddd command pane (the one with the (gdb) prompt)
So many steps. Is there an easier way? Or maybe everyone use plain winedbg without any IDE?
it depends on how the interaction with gdb is done... some IDE provide sufficient parametrisation of gdb launching so that you can use directly winedbg --gdb <nameofexe.exe> but YMMV which IDE do you have in mind ? A+