Am Mittwoch, den 21.09.2005, 22:49 -0700 schrieb James Liggett:
I'm doing a lot of testing,
Same for me.
and I was wondering if I can run Wine from within its source tree without having to reinstall it after every build.
I'm running wine out of source-tree within this directories:
~/wine.cvs ~/wine.cvs/bin ~/wine.cvs/docs ~/wine.cvs/src
.. and added some alias in ~/.bashrc => ".bashrc_4_wine"
I also have scripts for "wineprefixcreate" => "_wpc" and for compiling wine => "_makewine"
Replace "wine.cvs" with "wine.6" (w6, w6s, w6b), "wine.7" (w7, w7s, w7b) and so on for running with monthly snapshots.
Have fun.