On Jan 19, 2008 7:06 AM, Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes alex@thehandofagony.com wrote:
On Saturday 19 January 2008 03:11:20 Brian Vincent wrote:
On Jan 18, 2008 9:26 AM, Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes <
alex@thehandofagony.com> wrote:
Now that you mention it, since we are trying to move the AppDB to the
GPL v3, it would be nice to have the WWN covered by the similar GLP v3 :)
Everything I wrote was GPL v2 and I'm quite happy with that.
Oh. Which parts ddi you work on? It might be a good idea to add author information to each file to allow for an easier overview of such issues.
Alexander N. Sørnes
There is an <author> tag at the top of each issue that I've written, and I know Brian did the same thing. I've only been writing since 333; Brian wrote for a long time before me.