On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 6:13 AM, Joel Holdsworth joel@airwebreathe.org.ukwrote:
Hi All,
If anyone's interested I've published a working version of my Tango graphics for wine to Gitorious...
http://gitorious.org/wine-tango/wine-tango clone: git clone git://gitorious.org/wine-tango/wine-tango.git branch: public-beta-1
This branch features Roderick Colenbrander's as-yet unmerged XRender patches, some patches from me for 32-bit support in the areas of icons, image lists and toolbars, and a partial set of patches to apply the tango graphics for shell32, user32 and comdlg32. Graphics for other apps/dlls are excluded, as well as the few tests I've produced.
The work is most clear to see if you open a file dialog, or a message box.
The full set of Tango graphics can be seen here: http://www.airwebreathe.org.uk/wine-icon/ . There are still a few graphical things to fix: dxdiag, certwatermark.bmp.
Comments and criticisms are welcome!
Best Regards Joel Holdsworth
I have a few comments on these icons, so I'll comment on them by icon filename.
idb_std_large.bmp & idb_std_small.bmp - The third to last and the sixth to last icons do not make sense. I don't understand why they were designed the way they were. The icons imply something different from the original icons. Please change them to be more similar to the original icons.
floppy.ico - The replacement icon for this was a very bad choice. I know that currently GNOME does this anyway, but it is a really bad choice. It should represent a floppy DRIVE, not a floppy DISK.
mycomputer.ico - Why is the 32x32 icon have a purple display instead of a blue one like the smaller sized ones? Fix that for consistency. Also I attached a SVG with it included that has WINE in the text underneath the monitor instead of PONY. I couldn't figure out Inkscape to get the color to change though.
mydocs.ico - Bad icon choice. I would suggest making a whole new one to represent this one. "Home directory" is NOT the same as the "My Documents folder," despite the fact that Wine erroneously equates the two by default in winecfg.
netdrive2.ico & netdrive.ico - Very WRONG choice. These icons are supposed to be network DRIVES, not network SHARES. Network Shares have separate icons in shell32.dll.
shortcut.ico - the icon is oriented improperly. It needs to be bottom-left and oriented so the arrow points towards the center.
oic_hand.ico - That sign is fine, but I was nitpicky and modified the SVG to match the original one.
oic_note.ico - The icon is somewhat ambiguous, compared to the original.
dxdiag - The icon is way too similar to Mac OS X's logo. Use a different styled X.
wcmd - Not really a problem, even though somebody else argued about adding C: to it.
That's all for now!