As Dimi is not the only one that can start flames on wine-devel, let's start a new one :-)
Unfortunately your topic is not controversial enough. :-)
When I see the work that is starting to go on on D3D8 or even on my old D3D code, I think that it would be nice if there was some CVS 'sandbox' where Wine developper could interact on shared code without going the Alexandre round-trip. This would be much less painful than sending patches back and forth between developpers.
Makes sense.
This sandbox would be closed (ie it would be a developper only Wine tree) to NOT start another Wine fork and all development on this sandbox would be merged back in Wine when they are ready (and then would still go the Alexandre way of course).
Now, what does the Wine community think about this ? If people agree, what would be the best way to handle this ?
Obviously anybody that have the resources can setup a CVS server and give accounts to others.
So why discuss it at all. Do it yourself or if you lack the resources try to convice somebody that do to host it for you. If people think it is a good idea they will use it and if they want write access they will ask you for an CVS account. If not, well, I think you will notice the lack of intrest... :-)
In short: Action speaks louder than words.
BTW, Wine already have a SourceForge account (registered by Dimitrie it seems).
Why not use it? SourceForge provides CVS access IIRC.