On 13 November 2016 at 23:37, Matteo Bruni matteo.mystral@gmail.com wrote:
2016-11-13 12:35 GMT-06:00 Andrew Wesie awesie@gmail.com:
This is the first set of patches to support running Overwatch under WINE. There are additional patches necessary but I am still preparing those for release.
Wow, that's very cool! Thank you for your work!
Yes, it does look like a good amount of work went into this, thanks for that. I do have some comments however. I reviewed the first 5 Direct3D patches in the series, and like Matteo already said, some tests would be helpful. Personally I'd like to see tests for at least 09/23 (SV_VertexID) and 11/23 (primitive restart). Speaking more generally, some of the changes in these patches may or may not be correct, but could do with a little more justification.