On the Wine Status DLL page comctl32 is reported
of having nonexistant documentaion. A quick look in the CVS browser-thingy shows that in the code itself, comctl32 is quite nicely documented. So what exactly is needed?
A good question. I've been wondering that myself. For comctl32, the documentation is all provided by MSDN. I recall reading somebody say a while back that to be a completely independant Win32 implementation the project would need to have MSDN style documentation as well, but as the docs are freely available I can't see anybody having serious motivation to do that anytime soon.
I think really the biggest need for documentation is on the internals of how Wine works, for instance how and why Wine overrides pthreads, but unfortunately some of that stuff is Jedi-level code - I'm not sure it could be easily documented by somebody who didn't write it.
Anybody else? thanks -mike