On Monday 21 August 2006 21:22, Jeff Latimer wrote:
Mike I suppose that the problem is that wrapping your mind around git and working out how to handle patches, especially as it takes time to get them accepted, revert them and manage trees etc is difficult.
The way git does version control is different to CVS and svn and requires some adjustment, which is why the GitWine pages on the Wiki are there - ant they cover the operations that are probably 95% or more of the time spent using git. If there's something you need to do that isn't covered there, I'm pretty sure Mike is still on #winehackers during work hours Korean time and can answer questions on the "git rebase" way of doing things (and likely a lot of other people on that channel these days), and if you have problems with the branch approach you can always email me directly. Provided you are asking something not already answered in the Wiki you'll normally get a response and the Wiki will be adjusted accordingly.