Mozilla is going to be the way to go if Demi can get the gecko to build and work as a WINElib app now that it can be built with Mingw. Once that is done we will know what needs to be fixed in WINE to support it as either a elf or PE binary. Plus it will save us on the ReactOS side some work when we go to do a explorer/browser clone. =)
Well, anything is a start... but IMHO whilst Mozilla is a fair browser, and Gecko is a fair rendering engine... neither of them are up to coping with the stress of providing IE-compatible integration.
Also upstream tracking of Gecko would be very much impossible, and there is ZERO chance that IE'isms would ever make it into upstream anyway... KHTML has a far better chance in that respect :)
Also Geckos JavaScript engine is very so-so with a lot of the MS-formatted JS I've tried feeding it :(
- Ender