Could you explain to me what the Winsock Control is? We have a >winsock DLL implementation already.....
Winsock.dll is the Windows API to manage sockets, but Winsock control is a high-level library, provided with Visual Studio 6.0. It is mainly used by Visual Basic programmers, as it provides a very simple interface to send and receive data via TCP/UDP protocols. It provides some events (Connection, Data received, Data Sent...), and a easy way to send different data types (automatic conversion for unicode strings, for example)
They are normally shipped with the app. So would we really need one >in Wine?
I think one of the goals of wine is to implement all the functions of windows systems, for instance now i'm testing an application written in VB that uses both Winsock.ocx and mscomm.ocx (RS-232), and I would like to use as builtin libraries/"com libraries" as possible, instead of using a "closed ocx", in which i can't do anything if something fails...I know now exists some builtin programs like wine-Notepad or winemine, so i think, the next step is to develop builtin OCX...under wine license
OCXs are mainly for plugging into IDEs yes?
Well, some ocx yes, but Winsock.ocx has not any visible interface, and it can be used without IDEs, simply by calling the COM server
Daniel Campos
--- On Thu 05/29, Mike Hearn < mike@theoretic.com > wrote: From: Mike Hearn [mailto: mike@theoretic.com] To: danielcampos@myway.com Cc: wine-devel@winehq.com Date: 29 May 2003 14:47:32 +0100 Subject: Re: Bultin OCX?
One of the goals of this project would be replacing current native Winsock control by a "Bultin OCX". <br><br>Could you explain to me what the Winsock Control is? We have a winsock<br>DLL implementation already.....<br><br>> I've look at Wine Documentation<br>> ant it's simple to create a native DLL, but i've seen nothing <br>> about the possibility of creating a builtin OCX. Is there any way<br>> to do it? What about registry issues?<br><br>It is possible yes, but rather hard. OCXs are mainly for plugging into<br>IDEs yes? They are normally shipped with the app. So would we really<br>need one in Wine?<br><br>Also, such a thing would need to use the Win32 winsock api really, not<br>unix sockets.<br><br>thanks -mike<br><br><br>
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