Hello Everyone,
On February 14th I made a suggestion on the wine-conf mailing list that we should have a annual Fund Raiser to help raise funds for our annual Conference.
Jeremy replied with his thoughts/suggestions and some back ground info on how the WPF funds have helped in the past.
From this, I cobbled together a extremely rough Donations page..
Keep in mind this is still very much a work in progress and the language within it needs major revisions.
The current discussion is now on whether or not a $1,000 donation is sufficient for a front page listing for one year since our search rank in so high.
Dan suggested that we join adsence, and I replied that I had already suggested this in the past.
At this point there are many undecided questions about the original suggestion of us having a fund raiser, as well as if we should join adsence.
If you have a opinion on this subject we would like (even suggest) that you to air them at this time before decisions are made.
Should we have a annual fundraiser to help with conference expenses? Thus far the consciences is Yes.
What is a realistic goal? I believe $10,000 is very doable.
What amount should we receive for a front page listing 'gold sponsor'? Is $10,000 to much or to small of a amount? If we decide on $10,000 the goal should be revised to about $25,000
Should the Wine project join the adsence network? With our high google page rank we are practically guaranteed to rake in a mint :D
Comments and suggestions are at this time highly suggested!