Chris Robinson []
On Tuesday 14 July 2009 7:26:39 am Adam Strzelecki wrote:
Look, anyway Obj-C is supposed to be used in Wine only for Mac support, and not for anything else. Any developer that knows how to program Mac knows Obj-C so there's nothing wrong with constraint that only developers that know Obj-C can work on it, because those are guys that know how to program Mac.
Except you don't *need* Obj-C to code on Mac. The regular C code for X11 works, too. Granted, using Apple's X implementation isn't very optimal, but it does work. Sticking with C allows all those developers to code "for Mac" as well, with no Obj-C knowledge needed.
I see the same issue here. Rather few Mac users are programming themselves and not every Mac program is created using Obj-C. So the already small coder base is divided up even more in Obj-C and non Obj-C programmers. This means there will be even much less developers interested to work on Wine Obj-C code. And while an Obj-C programmer can understand and fix standard C code this same thing can not be said about the reverse. From what I have seen about Obj-C code I saw little resemblence with C and it could for my feeling have been Lisp, Smalltalk or any other programming language I have no clue about.
I've been programming a little for Macs in the past. Nothing serious but simply porting some existing (standard C) library code and the bindings to a platform independent programming language we use here. It was all standard C and it worked but it was not doing GUI (the platform independent programming language is used for all GUI related things). So I can't say if doing GUI on OSX without Obj-C is feasable. (I do think that the programming environment we use does use little if any Obj-C itself since its origins are from pre OS-X days and I doubt they changed the entire graphic interface code completely when introducing the OS-X support. They do however use an internal architecture where they have so called interface code that is platform dependant to provide an internal common API and the entire rest of the system is programmed almost completely platform independent in C and in more recent years mostly C++.)
I do know that the Mac API is certainly a very different API to deal with compared to Windows. There are all kinds of remainders from the old Classic Mac OS showing through and with every new version some of those APIs get depreciated but sometimes there is no obvious or even non-obvious way to do non-standard things without using those APIs.
So I do see a good reason to request Wine code being standard C (Yes, I haven't gotten befriended with C++ either so far eventhough I attended some courses and can understand it to some degree.)
Those pushing for a better integration with Wine on OS-X should maybe first come up with a good design that limits the Obj-C code to an absolute minimum and create a working proof of concept outside of the project. And going that route may even show that the actual C to Obj-C bindings are really the smallest part of the work and that writing a good graphics driver is actually hard to do both in C and Obj-C. But when done in C many more people in the Wine project can participate even if they do not know much about the Mac API.
Rolf Kalbermatter