On Sunday 16 March 2008 11:35:39 pm you wrote:
While I think writing control panel applets for Wine may be a good idea in general, I wonder whether the specific example you propose--a locale setting control panel--might be better served by trying to infer the correct settings from the Linux locale.
I'm not sure how changing the decimal (in the example case) on linux would affect the linux apps themselves - will I have to switch it back and forth if another, linux app demands it to be ',' whilst the windows one wants a dot. (sorry if the question is somewhat stupid, still adapting, trying to get the windows way of thinking out of me head). So, in this particular case I was thinking of having the wine and linux locales as two different entities; After all, the win-apps only care about what the registry says, so no need to ever touch the global linux settings. (besides, the intl.cpl is the easiest and somewhat useful to make a substitute for, a nice starting point and a good test for the entire idea/toolkit; The truth is, I still haven't got much of a clue how the equivalent of appwiz.cpl would actually operate, not to mention (OMG!) hdwwiz.cpl). In a more general sense, I have fresh memories of how frustrating the migration to linux can be in terms of the crash course you take once you see the desktop. So for a new user, having his favorite apps up and running properly under wine by doing something he's used to -> Control Panel -> Regional Settings, rather than including a lesson in linux locale modification in the crash course would be nice. He can always take that lesson a few days later when he dares to get out of the box of the software he's used to ;) BTW what about the general idea, a CPL (so the name matches) which executes a .exe (which does the real job,and is easier to substitute with another .exe when/if needed)? And a little hint on the structure... It looks like there are twenty-something *usual* applets. That would make 40+ additional files in the system32... maybe a c:/windows/winecontrolapplets folder which contains the .exes?