Hello Francois,
Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 9:02:07 AM, you wrote:
FG> On Tue, 15 Oct 2002, Dima Suzdalev wrote:
Hello Alexandre,
Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 12:35:53 AM, you wrote:
AJ> Dima Suzdalev dimsuz@mail.ru writes:
See attached file. It seems to be line 237 of log.txt. But it explains nothing to me. I hope you'll be able to do smth about it.
AJ> It looks like your glibc doesn't handle the 64-bit fcntl call AJ> correctly. Did you build Wine yourself, or are you using a binary AJ> package?
Yes, I built it myself. So what next? I need to upgrade my glibc?
FG> Which version is it? Any special configuration options you used when FG> compiling it?
I have Wine 20020904. I didn't used any specific options - only configure's defaults.