I tried valgrind and wine with COD4 demo but I couldn't get the game running. I have to say that "~/Desktop/wine/native/wine iw3sp.exe" let run the game. With /usr/local/valgrind-svn/bin/valgrind --trace-children=yes ~/Desktop/wine/native/wine iw3sp.exe I got the attached log file. I was running both from the same location (/home/ricola/.wine/drive_c/Programme/cod4). The next thing is that other apps are working well (like CodeBlocks or notepad) with wine and valgrind. If I don't set the --trace-children=yes argument the app starts fine (but that's not what I like to do, isn't it?).
COD4 isn't the only app which isn't working. It also affects 3Dmark 2001 and 03.
Any hints about this?
My goal is to check for memory leaks in wine, not in COD4. Because several apps crash with out of memory error.
Cheers Rico