"Shachar Shemesh" wine-devel@shemesh.biz wrote:
What do we do if the user requests a Unicode codepage? I've just had a conversation with a user on IRC where I believe things didn't work for him because LANG was set to es_ES.UTF-8.
What exactly doesn't work for him? UTF-8 is a perfectly valid and supported by Wine locale.
On one hand, I don't think we can force ANSI applications to work in Unicode. On the other hand, we cannot change the locale - it will mean noone (whether ANSI or not) will not be able to access non-ASCII file names and files.
Wine uses first part of the locale (es_ES in your case) to setup current ANSI code page, and uses UTF-8 for X11 keyboard input/file names. Look for CP_UNIXCP support I've added some time ago.