On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 13:30 -0700, James Liggett wrote:
also a problem where a window would dock but only be allocated 1 pixel, I think that was a bug in GNOME that is now fixed.
I'm not quite sure about that one--I've got an X test app that docks, but I can only get 1 pixel wide. :( On wine, this isn't a problem though. Still trying to figure out what I need to do.
Just FYI--I figured out what was wrong with my X test app. I just needed to set some size hints on the window, and now the size is perfect when the window docks. Now I've got my test app, a GNOME program, and some wine apps all peacefully coexisting on my tray, and they all dock perfectly. Guess there wasn't a bug in GNOME after all... ;)