On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 21:24:10 +0200, Andreas Mohr andi@rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de wrote:
I think we should at least target Winver=winxp and fix broken apps.
yup, I think we should try to go for that for now, despite some quite system specific programs overwhelming us in case of an NT version. If it turns out that it is in fact too much for us to handle soon, then we should probably scale back to Win98 until our NT API support is strong enough.
Andreas Mohr
Quite agree. No sense in wine trying run before it can walk.
When there are still issues with modal dlgs coming up hidden behind other windows and so many unresolved issues it does not seem to make sense to open a whole new can of worms.
There have also beem many regressions in wine over the last 6 to 9 mths that are still having fall-out.
It is close to reaching critical mass as win98 emulation and is coming together nicely. It makes sense for it to default to a reasonably working winver .
If a prog requires specifically xp and wont work on 98 then there is a strong likelyhood that it is calling for features that are a long way from being supported anyway.
Sniffing aside , winver=win98 makes more sense to me.