I have a problem with my VC6 MFC MDI app. Every child window that is docked inside isn't painted anymore and doesn't receive any messages. Together with a friend (THX ic) I found out that the wrapper window that does the docking doesn't have the visible flag set. Even if I create the window with the flag set it gets deleted somewhere in CreateWindowEx or ShowWindow. In Windows the flag can even get set even if it wasn't set before but I just couldn't find out why.
I scrutinized the MoveWindow call. It sends the messages WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, WM_NCCALCSIZE, WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, WM_MOVE and WM_SIZE (in this order) to the window. After these there is an additional WM_SHOWWINDOW. In every handler the visible flag isn't changed yet. After leaving the MoveWindow call the flag can be set or deleted. So this must happen between WM_SHOWWINDOW and the end of MoveWindow. But I couldn't find out what reason Windows uses to change it so I can't say where in wine the error is.
I'd be very thankful if somebody with knowledge about windows and their style flags could shed some light upon this.
Here is a small sample app (only exe, source is quite complicated, but I can deliver that too if anybody is interested). There is a toolbar docked below the menu but in wine there is just a dead area. http://www.indel.ch/ftp/TestIMD.zip
BTW winedbg doesn't show the class information for walk wnd. The same problem has MS-Spy++ but besides that it runs quite well in wine :)
Thanks for any hint/help/patch...
bye Fabi