Since you're concerned about the performance, which is valid, I've also removed all the string-conversions. Important question: Is a valid public IP-Adress?
If yes, I'd have to furtherly change the code, adding some htonl, ntohl, or similar.
Yes, and that would allow you to do only one comparison.
- BOOL get_public_ip(DWORD* target)
This still needs to be static. (static BOOL get_public_ip...)
for (i = 0; i < ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); i++)
Now I remember why I was concerned about this. This isn't portable. In some systems, struct if_req occupies fixed space in ifc, but in others, the size depends on the amount of data in each struct if_req. You need to use ifreq_len. See e.g.:
Or, as I suggested before, you could call iphlpapi.GetAdaptersInfo: it already excludes local interfaces, and winsock already depends on iphlpapi.
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