I'm sitting waiting for a couple of compiles to finish, so I thought I'd put together a list of fun/interesting tasks people might like to have a go at related to better integrating Wine with the native desktop.
None of these should be especially hard, and so would provide a good intro to Wine development for anybody who has been lurking on the sidelines and wants to get involved.
Another suggestion, probably a bigger task: Look for common native applications and write entries for them into the registry. For example, I manually added an entry for KMail in \Machine\software\clients and now I can select Kmail as the default Mail application in the internet options control panel(Which is created when Internet Explorer is installed). My registry entries look like this:
[Software\Clients\Mail\Kmail] 1100110998 @="KMail"
[Software\Clients\Mail\Kmail\Protocols\MailTo] 1100110998 @="URL:MailTo Protocol" "EditFlags"=hex:02,00,00,00 "URL Protocol"=""
[Software\Clients\Mail\Kmail\Protocols\MailTo\DefaultIcon] 1100110998 @="C:\Program Files\Opera\opera.exe,1"
[Software\Clients\Mail\Kmail\Protocols\MailTo\shell\open\command] 1100110998 @=""Z:\usr\kde\3.3\bin\kmail" "%1""
With Z: mapped to /
I selected KMail as the default Mail application, and when I open an Mail Address in MSIE kmail pops up. The same happens when I enter a maito: address in Task Manager->New task.
Cheers, Stefan