On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 11:01:49PM +0000, Rob D wrote:
Thank you VERY much. I changed alot of things, including reinstalling Debian to get rid of 3 different source installs, and some gcc tweaks I had done before I learned muc about it, but I am sure the suggestions you gave resulted in perfectly clean builds on Debian Sarge. After some tweaking of my source code, and reformatting of some text mode data files, I was able to get my half a million lines of code to run more than well enough for my presentation. I have renewed confidence in the Wine project now.
Reinstalling Debian!? Boy, I haven't done that in 9 years!
There are tools like cruft or others to deal with indicating which parts aren't coming from a package, or tools to register source-installed files properly (the name of such tools escapes me). But OTOH this might still be too much work to figure out in case of a thoroughly source-installed (read: messed-up ;-) system.
I am still having a few issues with compiling on Solaris, but they are probably just environment related, and my main issue of getting my presentation by today was VERY successful and will probably result in migrating our entire development team off the dreadful Windows platform!!!
Congrats on that one!
I dont know how much help Ill be able to contribute to this list right away, since I have very little Linux/Unix experience, but I should be able to help with issues that come up on the list that require intricate knowledge of Windows API, since I have been programming on the "Dark Side" for over a decade now.
To be fair, that probably doesn't matter too much. The main point is that you can continue here, whether you contribute very much or a little is less important than that IMHO. Still, all contributions welcome :)
Andreas Mohr