* On Wed, 3 May 2006, Dan Kegel wrote:
Windows Firefox just happily updated itself under Wine to Nice that an uncommon code path worked fine.
And how it does with update?
Firefox is solid for my uses lately.
BTW, Dan, would you be so kind as to check Firefox for ablility to validate Wine installation as Genuine Windows?
Just some minutes ago I've tried to download "Windows Installer 3.0 Redistributable", and the page [*] required my client to begin Windows validation.
As I have no Win32 FF installed (which is required for the 1st way, for validation plug-in to install), I've chosen 2nd way to do this: I ran some older GenuineCheck.exe under wine, it generated me some code and finally I was able to download the needed stuff :)
So, maybe the plug-in would work in Wine also?
Oh yes, as newest GenuineCheck.exe crashes, newest WGAPluginInstall.exe may fail also. For this reason I've put online older versions of both: [2]
[1] http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=7b9ba261-7a9c-43e7-... [2]