A week ago I went to Bruessel / Bruxelles in Belgium to the largest opensource developer conference in Europa, FOSDEM 2009.
openSUSE has a developer room there the last years and we fill our time by holding talks, mostly concerning openSUSE and stuff that we do for the distribution and what our developers do. So the openSUSE organizers asked me to hold a talk on Wine this year, after my LinuxTag talk was so well received.
I expected that like 20-30 people would show up, but it actually were around 110 according to our camera guy and they filled up the room. I have no idea why Wine is so interesting though.
I gave a basic introduction and overview mostly and in the end tried to demo iTunes (failed, because installation was not successful in preparation) and demoed Heroes of Might and Magic III (successful).
If you want to watch my 45 minutes: http://tube.opensuse.org/fosdem09/fosdem09_day2_03-wine.ogg (196MB)
And my slides are here (feel free to reuse): http://files.opensuse.org/opensuse/en/0/05/Fosdem2009-wine.pdf http://files.opensuse.org/opensuse/en/0/05/Fosdem2009-wine.odp
I also said hi to some ReactOS guys. Funnily all of them in suit and tie. :)
Ciao, Marcus