On 10/3/10 11:55 AM, Paul Vriens wrote:
On 10/03/2010 08:44 PM, James McKenzie wrote:
I am running code like the following in a richedit control to set the font to Courier 12 point font:
- static const WCHAR courier[] = {'C','o','u','r','i','e','r',0};
- testFont1 = CreateFontW (12,0,0,0,FW_LIGHT, 0, 0, 0, ANSI_CHARSET,
- FF_DONTCARE, courier);
- /*Set test font to be Courier font */
- SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)testFont1,
- /*Verify font is set */
- GetObjectW(testFont1, sizeof(LOGFONTW), &sentLogFont);
- ok (!lstrcmpW(sentLogFont.lfFaceName, CharFont1Unicode.szFaceName),
"WM_SETFONT set wrong font. " \
- "Font was set to %s or %s, was supposed to be "Courier".\n",
wine_dbgstr_w(CharFont1Unicode.szFaceName), wine_dbgstr_w(sentLogFont.lfFaceName));
- ret = GetTextMetricsW (hdc, &tmw);
- ok (ret, "GetTextMetricsW failed\n");
- ok (7 == tmw.tmAveCharWidth, "Average Character Width for Courier 12
is %d\n", tmw.tmAveCharWidth);
I also set the font to MS Sans Serif, and two different font sizes for Arial. However, the tmAveCharWidth value remains at 7 and I am of the opinion that this should change for each font change and also for the font size change. Am I doing something improper? Should I clear the tmw structure between calls to GetTextMetricsW?
When I run this on native WindowsXP (which I have access to) the average character width changes to 9, but remains the same for all four font types. TTIA.
James McKenzie
Hi James,
Doesn't the WM_SETFONT only set it for the control? You are retrieving the font characteristics from the DC though.
Even if I am retrieving the DC for the control through:
hdc = GetDC(hwndRichEdit) and hwndRichEdit is the handle to the control?
Just trying to get a grasp on where GetTextMetricsW is getting its information from.
James McKenzie