Damjan Jovanovic wrote:
Thank you, I appreciate it, I made an STI.IDL based on your code that compiles with widl. Now I've "just" got to write STI.DLL, STIMON.EXE, and some still image minidrivers :-).
Cool. If you can, go ahead and submit it. If you send your patches a bit at a time, they're easy to get accepted.
Why don't the definitions of LPDWORD, LPBYTE and other pointers exist for widl? Should I leave my own typedefs of those, or change the function declarations to use DWORD*, BYTE* and the like?
Sti.h from the Windows SDK uses LPDWORD, but I think either way is OK.
I've noticed that STI.DLL uses the IStiDeviceControl interface, which is defined by the STIUSD.H file I haven't got (it might be part of the Windows DDK or something). Any idea where to find it?
I can't see any definition of IStiDeviceControl in the Windows SDK. Where are you seeing stiusd.h?