They are backwards compat -- and my thunk is backwards compat too.. (it should compile for openal1.0, 1.1, 1.X -- I have only tested Mac OSX 10.4.8 OpenAL 1.1)
It is NOT efficent to be backwards compatible -- note my impl of AL_1_1, ALC_1_1, AL_EXTS, ALC_EXTS -- they all check for the existence of their functions ALL the time -- this is braindead and can be fixed with something similar to what we use for ogl -- the big func table -- and only update on context change -- maybe even cache per context function tables...
That being said -- the impls for AL_1_0, ALC_1_0, ALUT (not freealut) -- are as good as they can be. They are straight shots thru to the api (bouncing from CDECL(win32) -> ???(host???))
As it is (on this list) it should be correct -- barring oddities between deprecated ALUT functions...
- Nick
From: Stefan Dösinger To: Subject: Re: RFC: OpenAL Winmm driver and OpenAL32.dll thunk was Re: OpenALand DirectSound Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:25:10 +0100
Am Dienstag 21 November 2006 12:03 schrieb Nick Burns:
Attached is my diff/patch for both an openal winmm driver and an openal32.dll thunk
Just a question: Are the different openal versions backward compatible, or do we have to ship a openal thunk for each openal version used by the games?
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