Hi, --- Roderick Colenbrander thunderbird2k@gmx.net wrote:
Hi all,
Today I have been doing some experiments with halflife2 and the game works (atleast if launched through steam in my case) but there are some issues which I tried to address.
The game uses the D3D9 Query mechanism (CreateQuery/Issue/GetData) to retrieve status information. HL2 uses this all the time and because the implementation is stubbed for the biggest part (and perhaps impossible to fully implement) you see thousands of FIXMEs which reduce the performance from a playable framerate to less than 1 fps. While looking into this issue I (perhaps) found one or more bugs and second I need some assistance.
This patch should fix the problem with Queries http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2005-October/041237.html
When the Query mechanism isn't available halflife2 moves over to a different backend (I think). Suddenly the screen becomes black and you see hundreds of lines like this: fixme:d3d_surface:IWineD3DSurfaceImpl_UnlockRect unsupported unlocking to surface surf@0x7fe1d810 usage(512)
I looked up the error and it seems UnlockRect isn't handling D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC but I don't have enough d3d/opengl knowledge to fix this issue. I hope that someone can assist me with the UnlockRect (if it doesn't take that much time) so that halflife2 works fine out of the box.
UnlockRect only manages Back/Front buffers. Texture updates are handled by IWineD3DSurface_UpdateTexture. The FIXME's can be safely ignored.
Other people seem to have the game working OK e.g. http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3253 show the game working a lot better.
If you report any problems you are having in the wines Bugzilla http://bugs.winehq.org I can take a propper look at them for you.
Regards, Roderick
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