Actually I suspect there's another problem with your patch. since you cast the return values to void*, WINE_UNICODE_TEXT("abc")+1 will very likely be wrong. Also I believe void* arithmetic is a gcc extension.
I haven't checked, but youre probably right. However Ive never come across that usage of a literal in unicode or ascii (why increment a string lteral at declaration time?). But doing it to chars is quite common e.g. converting to a number string ('a' + n etc).
Do you have a lot of places where your application uses WINE_UNICODE_TEXT with a character? I just know of a <10 places in the MFC.
Only about 5 cases in VWCL itself.
Alexandre suggests we just handle the string case and let it fail at compile time if it is used with a char. It may be better than compiling fine but doing incorrect things.
Either works for me. All I really want is -Wall clean ;-)
Cheers, Jon