I am trying to debug Xilinx webpack version 5.1. If I understand things right, the "ise" application crashed because it unloads a dll, but later still accesses this dll. This seems to happen, because during MODULE_InitDLL of the dll it calls a Loadlibrary on itself. As MODULE_InitDLL sets WINE_MODREF_MARKER, and the flow of execution in LoadLibrary checks for WINE_MODREF_MARKER before incrementing the RefCount, the refcount gets wrong and the application unloaded. Forcing the increment of RefCount in MODULE_LoadLibraryExA unconditional of WINE_MODREF_MARKER makes the application continue.
Do we need the check for WINE_MODREF_MARKER in MODULE_LoadLibraryEx? Do we still need MODULE_LoadLibraryEx at all?