Hello (mostly wine package maintainers),
On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 05:07:55PM +0200, Massimo Del Fedele wrote:
James McKenzie ha scritto:
Good work. Have you started to think about how to get this into Wine where AJ will approve?
Ah, I'm not very optimistic that it'll ever enter on wine tree :-) Nor have I time to adopt the "trial and error" way up to it's approved. The easiest way I see by now is to add it to wine drivers as an "alternative" driver in parallel to X11 one. That could be done in less then 5 minutes and with no regressions :-)
So from the end users point of view Alexandre is refusing this solution which is much better than what exists now into the official wine tree. To "solve" this problem from an end users view, I see two approaches: 1) Alexandre is willing to allow that code into the wine repository, so it can be maintained in sync with the existing wine code (it is my understanding that the modifications to existing code are quite small) and leave it to the user to choose which code to use. 2) We use the same solution that is used by the linux kernel developers: Keep the official source clean but add any (dearly wanted/needed) features as part of the distribution kernel.
As I think that Alexandre has stated his preference (and I can understand him taking a long term view), I want to ask the packagers for the distros out there: Would it be OK for you to add the necessary patch into the code that you distribute. Personally, that means Marcus and the openSUSE wine packages :-)
ciao Joerg