On 6 November 2012 05:01, Sam Edwards cfsworks@gmail.com wrote:
Perhaps a similar test is necessary in other Direct3D versions, but I haven't yet looked into it.
Yeah, we'll want a similar test for d3d8.
- /* For resizing the window, we need to know the nonclient area size */
- ok(GetWindowRect(hwnd, &winsize), "GetWindowRect failed\n");
- nonclient_width = winsize.right-winsize.left;
- nonclient_height = winsize.bottom-winsize.top;
- ok(GetClientRect(hwnd, &winsize), "GetClientRect failed\n");
- nonclient_width -= winsize.right;
- nonclient_height -= winsize.bottom;
- ok(MoveWindow(hwnd, 0, 0, 200+nonclient_width, 150+nonclient_height, FALSE),
"MoveWindow failed\n");
You're probably looking for AdjustWindowRect() and SetWindowPos().
- hr = IDirect3DDevice9_GetViewport(device1, &vp);
- ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice9_GetViewport failed with %08x\n", hr);
- if(SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
ok(vp.X == 0, "D3DVIEWPORT->X = %d\n", vp.X);
ok(vp.Y == 0, "D3DVIEWPORT->Y = %d\n", vp.Y);
todo_wine ok(vp.Width == 200, "D3DVIEWPORT->Width = %d\n", vp.Width);
todo_wine ok(vp.Height == 150, "D3DVIEWPORT->Height = %d\n", vp.Height);
ok(vp.MinZ == 0, "D3DVIEWPORT->MinZ = %f\n", vp.MinZ);
ok(vp.MaxZ == 1, "D3DVIEWPORT->MaxZ = %f\n", vp.MaxZ);
- }
Testing the viewport dimensions is useful, but it probably wouldn't hurt to check the swapchain's presentation parameters and the backbuffer's surface desc as well.