On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 17:03, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
it appears that new test for a visible desktop works fine, time to make running tests on a visible desktop a mandatory requirement.
Changelog: Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry@codeweavers.com Make running tests on a visible desktop a mandatory requirement.
--- cvs/hq/wine/programs/winetest/main.c Mon Mar 07 14:49:54 2005 +++ wine/programs/winetest/main.c Tue Mar 08 15:59:02 2005 @@ -547,6 +547,11 @@ int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HIN const char *cp, *submit = NULL, *tag = NULL; int reset_env = 1;
- if (!running_on_visible_desktop ()) {
report (R_ERROR, "Tests must be run on a visible desktop");
exit (2);
- }
- /* initialize the revision information first */ extract_rev_infos();
Apart from the fact whether winrash should be 'fixed' or not, this patch doesn't seem to do what it is supposed to do. Put in other words the running_on_visible_desktop is not correct (enough).
I've downloaded http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/paulm/WRT/CrossBuilt/winetest-200503091000-... and ran it (interactively of course) on my win98 and win2000 box. It doesn't start and complains with the error (as in the patch) "Tests must be run on a visible desktop".