On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 09:44:17AM +0200, sauer@studcs.uni-sb.de wrote:
- when will this be fixed ?
fixme:ddraw:DIB_DirectDrawSurface_Blt dwFlags DDBLT_WAIT and/or DDBLT_ASYNC: can't handle right now.
Did you actually read any DirectX doc before complaining ? These flags are completely useless when emulating a blit and have sense only when doing it in hardware.
Ok, i did not and I should have done it before :(
wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...
Did you send us a backtrace of the problem ? A trace ?
here it comes: =>0 0x402acdc7 (NTDLL.DLL.memcpy+0x27 in libc.so.6) (ebp=406a29e4) 1 0x40c90844 (DIB_DirectDrawSurface_BltFast+0x51c(iface=0x403c2da8, dstx=0x28, dsty=0x23, src=0x403c3878, rsrc=0x406a2b8c, trans=0x10) [dib.c:870] in ddraw.dll.so) (ebp=406a2b34) 2 0x40c937df (IDirectDrawSurface3Impl_BltFast+0x47(This=0x403c2dac, x=0x28, y=0x23, pSrcSurf=0x403c387c, prcSrc=0x406a2b8c, dwTrans=0x10)
OK, that very much sounds like we've got some graphics geometry wrong and the memcpy() done by DIB_DirectDrawSurface_BltFast() thus catches a wrong number of bytes to copy... Try finding out why that graphics buffer copying uses the wrong size arguments...