A better alternative would be not to show the email at all, not even in obfuscated style. no email shown at all, only names => no robots.
When I created my account on bugzilla, my question was : why give email as a username ?
I think it's ok to require login to read bugs. This is the only effective defence against rampaging robots.
Plus there's the matter of all those email addresses. Requiring login helps shield the email addresses in bugzilla from spambots.
So hip hip hooray for the upgrade from this developer, restrictive access and all.
- Dan
-- Dan Kegel http://www.kegel.com http://counter.li.org/cgi-bin/runscript/display-person.cgi?user=78045
===== Sylvain Petreolle (spetreolle at users dot sourceforge dot net) ICQ #170597259 No more War !
"What if tomorrow the War could be over ?" Morpheus, in "Reloaded".
For the Law of Oil and Fire, Im an European that lives in France. For all my Brothers and friends, Im a human living on Earth.
___________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse @yahoo.fr gratuite et en français ! Yahoo! Mail : http://fr.mail.yahoo.com