"Jaco Greeff" jaco@puxedo.org wrote:
- dlls/msvcrt/vfprintf.c, dlls/msvcrt/Makefile.in,
dlls/msvcrt/tests/printf.c, dlls/msvcrt/tests/Makefile.in: Jaco Greeff jaco@puxedo.org
- Full implementation to allow for %C & %S in all printf related functions
- Test case for the printf functions to test all known cases of formatting
(test case based on example found on MSDN site)
I'm sorry for returning to that topic again and again, but it's really does matter.
+static void test_printf(void) +{
- FILE* f;
- char ch = 'a', *string = "computer";
- int count = -9234;
- double fp = 251.7366;
- wchar_t wch = L'w', *wstring = L"Unicode";
- void *p = 0x1234ABCD;
1. use explicit WCHAR type instead of wchar_t. 2. explicitly encode unicode strings.
wctomb(ch, wch);
3. directly use Win32 conversion APIs (WideCharToMultiByte in this case).
Take a look at other places in the Wine source how to do it properly.