"Shachar Shemesh" wine-devel@shemesh.biz wrote:
That's because there is no resources marked as (LANG_FRENCH,SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN) in the Wine apps. If you fairly confident that all flavours of French (including Canadian) have too little differences and creating separate resources for each of them isn't worth the effort, then a way to go is to mark all french resources in Wine with (LANG_FRENCH,SUBLANG_NEUTRAL).
No, that doesn't sound correct to me. Did you check that this is the way Windows does it's matching?
Yes I did. I think Alexandre did as well when he implemented ntdll resource APIs and made some fixes to the existing (at that time) search order.
As far as I remember, if an exact match does not exist, we should look for the same language with sublang DEFAULT.
No, Windows looks for the same language with neutral sublanguage in the case of specified language resource was not found. Win2k does one step more in the case of missing language resource: it looks for (LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL) after the failing (LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT) case.
IIRC, there is no situation where defining "SUBLANG_NEUTRAL" is the correct thing to do in resources.
It's actually useful in the case described above.