On Friday 13 February 2004 10:27, Jonathan Wilson wrote:
I heard news that windows 2000 source code was leaked and have seen what proports to be a filelist.
Dont know if its genuine but for everyones sake I suggest that all people here completly ignore it (same as I will be doing)
This is quite worrying, the presence of this leaked code means a lot to wine. Just it's existence could lead to Microsoft "Claiming" wine code is derivative of it.
The mere "claim" of an infringement by Microsoft's army of lawyers can make major corporations quiver in their boots. I feel it's quite possible that the leak is a deliberate ploy by Microsoft to be able to "claim" that projects like wine are tainted, infringe Microsoft copyright and should be shutdown/ made illegal. This tactic would at least slow down competitive development in the marketplace.... Hmm
Mind you if the leak can be proved deliberate, then a deliberate release of such code might render the copyrights ineffective, since Microsoft was knowingly giving the code out for distribution....
Still, Watch This Space !