On 04/11/16 18:00, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
On 11.04.2016 18:30, Jacek Caban wrote:
Hi Nikolay,
On 04/08/16 21:56, Nikolay Sivov wrote:
- /* Now we're going to read in the iconfile and iconindex.
If we don't find them, that's not a failure case -- it's possible
that they just aren't in there. */
- hr = IPropertySetStorage_Open(This->property_set_storage, &FMTID_Intshcut,
It's an already existing bug, but we should handle Open failure here.
I think I kept it intentionally, to keep original logic intact in cleanup patch.
That makes sense, adding 3/3 is fine then.
By handling it you mean making Load() fail if Open() fails?
Save() fails in such case, so I'd say we should fail here.
Thanks, Jacek