Am Donnerstag, 27. November 2014 schrieb Stefan Dösinger:
This is written from scratch, but inspired by the patch from Joachim Priesner. The included test tests the absolute minimum necessary to show that the abs() needs to be placed in the fixed function vertex pipeline replacement shader. It ignores vertex and pixel shader behavior.
Does this mean I can finally stop worrying about my version of the bug fix and concentrate on getting my other two pending patch sets in?
If so, I'd very much like feedback on
107283 Pending Joachim Priesner ws2_32: WS_get_local_ips: Fix ordering of IP addresses by metric if two addresses have the same metric (try 2)
which seems pretty straightforward and fixes a real bug, and also on
[PATCH 3/3] comctl32: Implement the TaskDialog function (try 2) [PATCH 2/3] comctl32: Basic implementation of TaskDialogIndirect (try 2) [PATCH 1/3] comctl32: Move TaskDialogIndirect function to separate file (try 2)
which I submitted almost two months ago, but which, after one round of feedback, vanished from the patches list without further comment. What can I do to make these patches better? Add tests? Split into smaller files? Give up altogether?
NB, both patch sets fix issues with applications I work with -- does creating a bug report increase the chances of the patches getting looked at?
Thanks for any help.