On 12 déc. 06, at 00:20, Pierre d'Herbemont wrote:
- }
- closedir(dir);
I think the above code to scan /usr/share/locale is unnecessary. Doesn't CFLocaleCopyAvailableLocaleIdentifiers provide the equivalent?
You're quite right. I though setlocale didn't handle 'en' properly expecting full 'en_US' or 'en_GB', I can't understand why now. Probably didn't have enough sleep last night.
I do remember now :) setlocale don't handle properly two letters language code like 'es' it expect a full locale name like 'es_ES' . And using the CFLocale API to obtain the full local from 'es' does not seem possible.
And even with CFLocaleCopyAvailableLocaleIdentifiers() the returned array will contain 'es' among 'es_ES' and 'en_GB' so, when intersecting with the preferred languages [1] threw CFBundleCopyLocalizationsForPreferences() 'es' will be returned. setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, NULL) will return "C", and thus fallback the standard english language (LC_CTYPE is not set on Mac OS X), whereas setlocale should have returned es.
The fix for this is to provide to setlocale a full locale name like 'es_ES', that's why I did it that way.
Do you see any better way to do this rather than probably filling a bug report to Apple?
[1] #defaults read -g AppleLanguages ( es, fr, en, de, ja, it, nl, sv, nb, da, fi, pt, "zh-Hans", "zh- Hant", ko)
PS: I'll resend the patch with your fixes.