While running your changed tests, I think I found new failures. Being a bot and all I'm not very good at pattern recognition, so I might be wrong, but could you please double-check?
Full results can be found at: https://testbot.winehq.org/JobDetails.pl?Key=81791
Your paranoid android.
=== debiant (32 bit report) ===
ws2_32: protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ip" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IP" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IP" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "icmp" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ICMP" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "ICMP" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ggp" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "GGP" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "GGP" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "tcp" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "TCP" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "TCP" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "egp" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "EGP" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "EGP" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "pup" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "PUP" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "PUP" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "udp" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "UDP" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "UDP" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "hmp" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "HMP" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "HMP" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "xns-idp" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "XNS-IDP" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "XNS-IDP" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "rdp" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "RDP" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "RDP" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-route" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Route" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-ROUTE" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-frag" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Frag" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-FRAG" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "esp" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ESP" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "ESP" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ah" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "AH" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "AH" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-icmp" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-ICMP" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-ICMP" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-nonxt" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-NoNxt" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-NONXT" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-opts" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Opts" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-OPTS" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "rvd" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "RVD" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "RVD" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 0 to be ip, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 0 alias 0 to be ip, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 1 to be icmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 1 alias 0 to be icmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 3 to be ggp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 3 alias 0 to be ggp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 6 to be tcp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 6 alias 0 to be tcp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 8 to be egp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 8 alias 0 to be egp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 12 to be pup, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 12 alias 0 to be pup, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 17 to be udp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 17 alias 0 to be udp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 20 to be hmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 20 alias 0 to be hmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 22 to be xns-idp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 22 alias 0 to be xns-idp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 27 to be rdp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 27 alias 0 to be rdp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 41 to be ipv6, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 41 alias 0 to be ipv6, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 43 to be ipv6-route, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 43 alias 0 to be ipv6-route, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 44 to be ipv6-frag, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 44 alias 0 to be ipv6-frag, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 50 to be esp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 50 alias 0 to be esp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 51 to be ah, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 51 alias 0 to be ah, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 58 to be ipv6-icmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 58 alias 0 to be ipv6-icmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 59 to be ipv6-nonxt, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 59 alias 0 to be ipv6-nonxt, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 60 to be ipv6-opts, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 60 alias 0 to be ipv6-opts, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 66 to be rvd, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 66 alias 0 to be rvd, got (null)
=== debiant (32 bit Chinese:China report) ===
ws2_32: protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ip" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IP" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IP" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "icmp" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ICMP" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "ICMP" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ggp" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "GGP" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "GGP" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "tcp" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "TCP" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "TCP" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "egp" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "EGP" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "EGP" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "pup" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "PUP" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "PUP" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "udp" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "UDP" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "UDP" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "hmp" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "HMP" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "HMP" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "xns-idp" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "XNS-IDP" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "XNS-IDP" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "rdp" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "RDP" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "RDP" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-route" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Route" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-ROUTE" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-frag" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Frag" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-FRAG" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "esp" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ESP" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "ESP" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ah" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "AH" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "AH" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-icmp" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-ICMP" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-ICMP" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-nonxt" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-NoNxt" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-NONXT" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-opts" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Opts" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-OPTS" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "rvd" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "RVD" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "RVD" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 0 to be ip, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 0 alias 0 to be ip, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 1 to be icmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 1 alias 0 to be icmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 3 to be ggp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 3 alias 0 to be ggp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 6 to be tcp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 6 alias 0 to be tcp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 8 to be egp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 8 alias 0 to be egp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 12 to be pup, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 12 alias 0 to be pup, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 17 to be udp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 17 alias 0 to be udp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 20 to be hmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 20 alias 0 to be hmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 22 to be xns-idp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 22 alias 0 to be xns-idp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 27 to be rdp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 27 alias 0 to be rdp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 41 to be ipv6, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 41 alias 0 to be ipv6, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 43 to be ipv6-route, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 43 alias 0 to be ipv6-route, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 44 to be ipv6-frag, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 44 alias 0 to be ipv6-frag, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 50 to be esp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 50 alias 0 to be esp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 51 to be ah, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 51 alias 0 to be ah, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 58 to be ipv6-icmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 58 alias 0 to be ipv6-icmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 59 to be ipv6-nonxt, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 59 alias 0 to be ipv6-nonxt, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 60 to be ipv6-opts, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 60 alias 0 to be ipv6-opts, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 66 to be rvd, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 66 alias 0 to be rvd, got (null)
=== debiant (32 bit WoW report) ===
ws2_32: protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ip" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IP" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IP" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "icmp" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ICMP" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "ICMP" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ggp" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "GGP" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "GGP" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "tcp" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "TCP" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "TCP" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "egp" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "EGP" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "EGP" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "pup" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "PUP" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "PUP" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "udp" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "UDP" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "UDP" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "hmp" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "HMP" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "HMP" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "xns-idp" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "XNS-IDP" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "XNS-IDP" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "rdp" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "RDP" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "RDP" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-route" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Route" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-ROUTE" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-frag" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Frag" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-FRAG" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "esp" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ESP" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "ESP" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ah" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "AH" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "AH" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-icmp" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-ICMP" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-ICMP" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-nonxt" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-NoNxt" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-NONXT" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-opts" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Opts" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-OPTS" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "rvd" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "RVD" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "RVD" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 0 to be ip, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 0 alias 0 to be ip, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 1 to be icmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 1 alias 0 to be icmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 3 to be ggp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 3 alias 0 to be ggp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 6 to be tcp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 6 alias 0 to be tcp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 8 to be egp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 8 alias 0 to be egp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 12 to be pup, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 12 alias 0 to be pup, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 17 to be udp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 17 alias 0 to be udp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 20 to be hmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 20 alias 0 to be hmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 22 to be xns-idp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 22 alias 0 to be xns-idp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 27 to be rdp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 27 alias 0 to be rdp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 41 to be ipv6, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 41 alias 0 to be ipv6, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 43 to be ipv6-route, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 43 alias 0 to be ipv6-route, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 44 to be ipv6-frag, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 44 alias 0 to be ipv6-frag, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 50 to be esp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 50 alias 0 to be esp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 51 to be ah, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 51 alias 0 to be ah, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 58 to be ipv6-icmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 58 alias 0 to be ipv6-icmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 59 to be ipv6-nonxt, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 59 alias 0 to be ipv6-nonxt, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 60 to be ipv6-opts, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 60 alias 0 to be ipv6-opts, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 66 to be rvd, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 66 alias 0 to be rvd, got (null)
=== debiant (64 bit WoW report) ===
ws2_32: protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ip" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IP" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IP" to be protocol number 0, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "icmp" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ICMP" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "ICMP" to be protocol number 1, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ggp" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "GGP" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "GGP" to be protocol number 3, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "tcp" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "TCP" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "TCP" to be protocol number 6, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "egp" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "EGP" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "EGP" to be protocol number 8, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "pup" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "PUP" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "PUP" to be protocol number 12, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "udp" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "UDP" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "UDP" to be protocol number 17, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "hmp" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "HMP" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "HMP" to be protocol number 20, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "xns-idp" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "XNS-IDP" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "XNS-IDP" to be protocol number 22, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "rdp" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "RDP" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "RDP" to be protocol number 27, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6" to be protocol number 41, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-route" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Route" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-ROUTE" to be protocol number 43, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-frag" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Frag" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-FRAG" to be protocol number 44, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "esp" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ESP" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "ESP" to be protocol number 50, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ah" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "AH" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "AH" to be protocol number 51, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-icmp" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-ICMP" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-ICMP" to be protocol number 58, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-nonxt" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-NoNxt" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-NONXT" to be protocol number 59, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "ipv6-opts" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "IPv6-Opts" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "IPV6-OPTS" to be protocol number 60, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "rvd" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:247: Test failed: Expected "RVD" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:256: Test failed: Expected "RVD" to be protocol number 66, got -1 protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 0 to be ip, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 0 alias 0 to be ip, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 1 to be icmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 1 alias 0 to be icmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 3 to be ggp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 3 alias 0 to be ggp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 6 to be tcp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 6 alias 0 to be tcp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 8 to be egp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 8 alias 0 to be egp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 12 to be pup, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 12 alias 0 to be pup, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 17 to be udp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 17 alias 0 to be udp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 20 to be hmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 20 alias 0 to be hmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 22 to be xns-idp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 22 alias 0 to be xns-idp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 27 to be rdp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 27 alias 0 to be rdp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 41 to be ipv6, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 41 alias 0 to be ipv6, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 43 to be ipv6-route, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 43 alias 0 to be ipv6-route, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 44 to be ipv6-frag, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 44 alias 0 to be ipv6-frag, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 50 to be esp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 50 alias 0 to be esp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 51 to be ah, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 51 alias 0 to be ah, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 58 to be ipv6-icmp, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 58 alias 0 to be ipv6-icmp, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 59 to be ipv6-nonxt, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 59 alias 0 to be ipv6-nonxt, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 60 to be ipv6-opts, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 60 alias 0 to be ipv6-opts, got (null) protocol.c:280: Test failed: Expected protocol number 66 to be rvd, got (null) protocol.c:285: Test failed: Expected protocol number 66 alias 0 to be rvd, got (null)