I am trying to update from 20050524 to wine-20050830.
The newer version tells me to use winecfg not the old config file , so I thought I should read up on it.
bash-3.00#man winecfg No manual entry for winecfg
So I tried man wine but no mention of winecfg , it still refers to the config file. It also lists a reference in the last line to a man entry for wineserver. So I decided to get upto date on wineserver...
bash-3.00#man wineserver No manual entry for wineserver
Wine is a very complex program, it would be helpful if the man entries were self-consistent and updated with the release they install with, especially when important changes like the introduction of wineconfig are concerned.
So where do I look for info on winecfg? In short, does .wine/config still get read or is it dead?
Also winecfg About tells me version is "wine CVS" , wine command tells me 20050830.
I am trying to maintain an app in the appDB but this is difficult without consistent doc.
TIA for any input.