OK folks, it's time for my semiannual "I need Wine to run a commandline program, but can't get it to work" rant.
First try: just do a default installation of wine-20030709.
$ wine -- /dos/d/vss/win32/ss.exe Could not stat /mnt/fd0 (No such file or directory), ignoring drive A: x11drv: Can't open display: $ echo $DISPLAY $
That should have worked, since ss.exe doesn't use any GDI functions.
Moving right along, now let's try the tty driver. I added "GraphicsDriver" = "ttydrv"
dank@dank:~$ wine /dos/d/vss/win32/ss.exe dank@dank:~$
It blipped the display to a second screen, then when the program exited, the screen blipped back so I couldn't read what it said. That's pretty useless. In fact, this is exactly the behavior complained about in bug 1358 ( http://bugs.winehq.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1358 ) subtitled "GraphicsDriver" = "none" wanted.
On the off chance that a "none" driver had been implemented, I tried it. And suprisingly, something sensible happened:
dank@dank:~$ wine /dos/d/vss/win32/ss.exe help Could not load graphics driver 'none' fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x449460,1) - no error checking or testing yet Username:
It actually seemed to work, once past the warning! I haven't tested it beyond the password prompt yet, but that was pretty convincing.
Is this the recommended way to run console wine programs without any $&?@!% curses stuff kicking in and without X? And is there a chance of setting this behavior on a program-by-program basis? AppDefaults appears to be keyed off the driver already, so is probably not able to say "these apps should not use x11drv or ttydrv".
Thanks, Dan