Hello fellows,
Rolf Kabermater (from wine) and I (from Odin) need help. Rolf has written a nice test-programm for many many test-cases (round (45*4+40*2)*8*4) for shlfileop, based on my test-scripts with a one-case test-program for shlfileop. With this faster program we had tested many more cases in w98se and w2k. The problem is, the output is different between w98se and w2k. I had rewritten the shlfileop, and we can simulate shlfileop.c as w98se or w2k. We will mad this test also with w-Me and w-Xp. Some test are also done with nt40 sp6, there works shfileoperation only in simpy cases without confusions. We will not emulate the many errors. We need one testoutput from Rolf's testshfop.exe produced in a w-Me and one in a w-Xp environment. The testprogamm is round 50k big and the log about stdout will be 2,1mb. for the test we need 2 drive-letters, Rolf assumed C:\t\ and D:\t\ for his tests. If anyone will know more about, he can mail me. I can send him\her the (w98se,w2k) logs and the progam, with a short description. I Runs this w-program also in Odin-environment.
We need only the wMe log.
Regards Dietrich