2009/5/3 Nicklas Börjesson Nicklas.Borjesson@ws.se:
Explained to me?? ...this is just incredible. Regardless of what I have said, you have repeated almost the same things, it's like you haven't been reading my posts!
Leave me alone, I want to talk to someone else.
No offense, but you should probably take the lack of (repeated) responses as a sign.
You've been answered several times by several people, and the answer has been (mostly) the same.
Bugzilla is a developer's tool, with bugs reported by users. Severity levels are there for how they affect Wine *overall*, not the user experience. Such things belong in the AppDB/etc., not bugzilla.
Again, no offense, but you're relatively unknown to the Wine project. Looking for your name in the git log shows no records. The only place I recognize your name from is this thread and from bugzilla bugs. Trying to tell all of Wine's developers that the way they've been handling bug reports has been wrong for years is a bit pompous.
Granted, I'm not saying it can't be improved. Surely it can. But, as has been said before, Bugzilla is there for developers, not user's.
Lastly, as I said before, I encourage you to subscribe to wine-bugs/patches/devel/users and keep up with everything going on in wine. See how many bug reports we have, what they describe, and the quality of them. It helps to have experience seeing these bug reports before arbitrarily saying how the system should be changed.
The horse has been beaten way past the point of Jell-O. Can we put this to a rest, please?