Dave Miller wrote:
So for starters, we want something like this? It doesn't look very impressive. :)
Yes, but probably want to convert all filenames to lower (or upper) case, and sort them alphabetically.
Next step is to take that data and turn it into a graph or map of some sort. Perhaps the same sort of map I did to display Usenet connectivity of la.personals years ago... here's the "map": http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~dank/la.personals/map.html and here's the code: http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~dank/ftp/map/
However, my system is by no means a clean install of WinXP home so most of thos DLLs probably don't belong to windows.
Yeah, you'll probably want to run this on a clean install sometime. - Dan
-----Original Message----- From: Dan Kegel [mailto:dank@kegel.com]
Oh, ok. Cross-referencing DLL imports and exports.
Yeah, that sounds like a job for a simple perl script. All you need to output is DLL name and what DLLs it imports from. Just generate a flat text file for starters, then later postprocess that into an ascii tree or graph.
It's going to be a messy little graph, I bet.