On Tuesday 15 October 2002 12:34 pm, Alexandre Julliard wrote:
Ove Kaaven ovek@arcticnet.no writes:
Hmm. Maybe it's possible to do something in the fashion of
LONG_PTR RPC_VAR_ENTRY NdrClientCall2( PMIDL_STUB_DESC pStubDescriptor, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat, ... ); #ifndef __WINE__ #define NdrClientCall2 (CLIENT_CALL_RETURN)NdrClientCall2 #endif
to gain source compatibility.
Well, that's not 100% compatible either, and depending on how the app uses it could even fail to compile. I'd say we leave it as LONG_PTR and worry about it once we find a case where it matters in practice.
Well, if this were a democracy, I'd vote with Ove on this; his off-the-cuff implementation might not be the right one, but /something/ ought to be doable to preserve source-compatibility...
What, exactly, is the source-compatibility scenario we are trying to protect, here? Compiling wine under msvc to run the test suite? Seems like people do, indeed, do this, and I plan to add some kind of test of this code once I get a usable subset of marshalling & client stub invocation up and working; which means it'd become an issue at that time, I guess.
Since I don't think wine is (or should be) a democracy, I will go with Alexandre's advice ATM, and worry about it once I get around to testing. Hopefully, this will be sooner than later :) But I think I can come up with a reasonable solution at that time.
BTW, for now, WIDL should officially stand for "Wetware IDL" compiler :P