Detlef Riekenberg < <at>> writes:
Louis, please do not give up and reopen the bug. You got already some comments, and I want to give some more Ideas.
- You told, that you reuse the code for the cube from the internet. That is a no-go because of copyright and license issues! Where does the code came from? What is the license for that code?
As already said, from tutorials scattered allover the internet, www.codesampler for example. I'm not sure what the license code for a tutorial is. Is the "hello world" tutorial also copyrighted?
- You told, that minimizing the Cube-Window does not work now, but worked in an old Wine. You think, that this is an Regression in Wine. It's also possible, that there was an bug in Wine which is now fixed and your dxdiag code is not correct.
I'd have to check by compiling a windows executable. If it runs in windows, it should run in wine.
Again, a clean implementation can avoid this issue.
As long as simple stub is not accepted i cannot even start with that. Anyway, thanks for your comments Detlef. Regards