Wierd_w wrote:
Markus Amsler wrote:
Adding hinting is IMO a second step.
This is incorrect. The metric EM size per point size is also 'Hintable' with real TrueType instructions, and Tahoma DOES do this. (I can tell, because I ran this test case just today-- Notice how the fonts start being pretty much identically kerned and spaced after about 15pt. Since wine is STUCK using Type-1 hints with FontForge, I built a Type-1 hinted .OTF with Postscript formatted outlines for the test.)
I would say, that's THE reason why to put TTF files into wines source. Have you done the "width hinting"?
Depending on how far you want to go, you have 3 options as I see them:
- (Best,but unlikely, due to the intense effort
required) You fix FontForge to support TTF instructions natively, so that it can build a suitable TTF hinted font file, then scream at FreeType to support them more "Sanely."
- Use the Type-1 font that is correct at sizes 15 and
up, and use a bitmapped font for sizes below that and have WINE perform the substitution.
- Adapt FontForge to inject SBIT record data
(Basically bitmapped font data) directly into a generated OTF, and trump the rasterizer totally for these point sizes.
4) Drop SFD->TTF conversion and add a "width hinted" TTF font.